Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Forever Changed

Hey all,
Thanks for reading our blog while we were on our mission trip to Guatemala.  We appreciate all the praying you did for us.  We saw the evidence of it while we were there.  Being back is a strange feeling.  I woke up this morning and realized I am no longer in Guatemala.  I won't be helping with VBS, playing with the kids, or painting any schools today.  I am back in Minnesota and back to my semi normal schedule.  However, just like Abby wrote this trip will stay with me and all of us.  I am forever changed by it.  God showed up in so many amazing ways while we were in Guatemala.  He truly taught all of us what it means to have a child like faith and to live by faith not by sight.  His love was evident as we interacted with the kids at VBS and in the hospitality shown to us by Jason and Tressa.  We went to serve the people of Guatemala and show them God's love.  They did the same for us while we were there.  On this trip we were more aware of how to serve each other.  This is something many of us are taking back with us to incorporate better into our daily lives.  I want to serve those around me even when the need is not as great as in Guatemala.  In Guatemala we saw more extreme needs, but there are needs all around us here as well.  I know all of us are going to be more aware of the needs around us and choose to serve in those situations.  I walked away from this trip feeling more blessed and thankful for everything God has done and given me in my life.  The work God did in all of us will change us forever.  I thank God I was able to go and serve him in Guatemala.  Thanks and God Bless.
Forever Changed, 
Cherie H.   

Monday, June 28, 2010

The End and the Beginning

So.  We're back.  Safe at home in the U.S.A..  We left Guatemala yesterday, watching it get smaller and smaller in the plane windows.  I could have sworn the sky cried for us.  Happy tears, because of what we had learned.  Sad tears, because we were leaving.  It feels odd to not be in the familiar mission compound, and lonely to be sitting at my computer posting this last blog...without any of my team members around.  I guess, in a way, we became family to each other.  We went through so much.  The painting layer after layer of paint for the painting crew.  Or for me, the many, many bucket fulls of dirt the digging crew hauled to the dump.  It was sad to leave, but we'll never forget those things.  Never.  I will never forget chopping a snake into three pieces with Abby VanHeel while digging, even though we were both a little grossed out.  I will never forget making up stories with Bekah Elgard and Josh Mork while digging.  I will never forget the many strange encounters I had as the people there stared at my rare long, blond hair and blue eyes (Ask anyone...I seemed to have a weird experience every day).  I will never forget accidentally dropping a craft bag off a balcony, and then having the little girls Kayla talked about come and get it, and then teaching them how to do the craft and having them show me from their window across the street.  I will never forget little Fernando from VBS, who wanted to play a game with me and tried to share his onion rings from lunch with a little girl.  The memories may fade, but I will never forget them.  None of us will.  And because we will remember these things, maybe our lives will be changed.  Maybe we will be more willing to trust God fully.  Maybe we will be more willing to serve cheerfully.  Hopefully, everyone's life was changed.  I know mine was.  Looking out over the thousands of homes in Guatemala, I saw so much poverty.  But you know what?  Behind those homes lay a beautiful horizon of mountains.  There was hope.  And you could see in the faces of some people that they were happy.  So, yes, my life is changed.  Because I learned a bit about true faith.  Here's an example: So, right now, Guatemala is in the raining season.  Hardly a day passes without rain.  The problem was, you couldn't exactly paint a wall or dig out a dirt pile in the pouring rain.  The paint washed off and the dirt became so muddy it engulfed you.  When our second day came, the rain was threatening.  From the hanger where the dirt crew was digging, you could see that the rain clouds covered the entire mountain ahead of us.  So we prayed.  It came anyways, cutting that day short.  But perhaps it was simply God reminding us to trust Him, because the next days, even though we could see more rain clouds, it never rained on us.  Isn't that amazing?  I thought it was.  I also thought our team was amazing.  There was teamwork between all of us.  I got to know people better.  I even discovered my friend Emily Beck has a dark side, when she punched my pillow, Neo Maximus, nearly every night (Just kidding Emily...you're amazing!).  I got to do VBS songs and yank bamboo roots out for dirt crew work.  By the way, those roots smell like death.  Honestly.  But everything on that trip was worth it.  Everything.  Even though we are all dead tired.  You should have seen us trying to pick out food on the way back home.  We were so out of it...even Marshall, the mathematician, was having some problems figuring out the time change.  I, for one, couldn't even figure out what 75 cents plus 75 cents equalled.  But I wouldn't have traded Guatemala for the world.  The trip has come to end now.  We've said goodbye to Jason and Tressa, our providers, and the translators, Manuel, Lulu, Danny, and Sarah.  We've snapped as many pictures as possible of the amazing view and the wonderful mission compound.  It's officially over.  In terms of dates and time.  But the mission part of it is never over.  This is just the beginning.  There's so much people out there who still need help, and so much we can do.  And our faith in God is ever growing.  So where there is an end, there is a beginning.  I guess this is it.  Thanks for keeping track of us on our trip.  It was definitely memorable.  Adios!  This is Abby Scheller, signing out for the last time.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday night 9:45
Kayla Pilarski

WOW.. I cant not believe that it is already Friday!! I have been waiting to blog because this whole week I just have been speechless. Last Friday I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but when I first seen these BEAUTIFUL mountians in Gautemala I just knew right away that this week would change my life. The first time i looked out the balcony outside my room, all i could do was cry. Seeing the way these people have to live, its heart breaking and I just felt so selfish. All week I have been holding all these feelings inside that I could not explain. I struggled alot with trying to figure out what God was trying to tell me and I didn't realize what it was late wednesday night. As I was worring about loosing my job the previous wednesday before the trip, and dealing with the fact that my"bestfriend" wasn't there, and just going through the motions of this being my "last" missions trip with the sr high, I was missing what God was telling me. I AM BLESSED! The kids in VBS touched a peice of my heart that will never be the same. The people here= sweetest people i have ever met. There's these 2 girls who live across the streest from us and they have became my best friends :) Their smile on their faces that I just dont understand. How can they be soo full of joy with so little? How can they be so beautiful in such an ugly/scary place. How= GOD!!! I have finally realized how much he loves us ALL!! He does not love these people any less because of their conditions they live in. but he created this beautiful disaster because he called us to serve and live for him. I was called here to share the love of Christ with them. Thats all they need is God!! And seeing those kids faces praising God makes me so jealous! I want to have a child like faith like them.. I can't even explain how God has touched my heart this week. I am so sad the week is already over, i am forsure not ready to leave no matter how much i miss home! I know for a fact God is calling me to do more! I am so excited to go home to figure out what that is!! I am sorry if this has not made ANY sense at all..i am tired and it has been a loooong amazing day!! well Good night :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010
I can't believe that it's already Thursday.  This week has gone by sooooo fast.  Today I had one of the best experiences at VBS.  We've been doing VBS since Monday and I would say that today was the best one.  We went up on the roof of the school we were working at because they didn't want to go outside, and we could see the mission base from there so that was pretty cool.  All of the older kids were standing in one corner of the roof and during the game all of these girls wanted to take a picture with each one of us.  They didn't even know who we were but they were so excited to stand next to us and get their picture taken.  They sometimes even requested to take multiple pictures with different people.  I thought that it was really fun.  Then we went into their classrooms to work on the craft, and Bekah and I worked together.  They also went kind of crazy when we took out our cameras.  The worst part of my day today was when the little kids in that room asked us if we were coming back tomorrow and I had to say no.  In the afternoon I painted at a school, and that went well too.  We got quite a bit done and we're planning on stopping by tomorrow to finish it.  My whole week has consisted of VBS, paint, funny jokes, hanging out with everyone on this wonderful team, time with God, lots of prayer, and tons of great memories.  I'm positive that this will be one trip that I will for sure not forget and I really need to figure out how to put everything I've learned here into my life back in MN.
Peace and Love,
Emily B

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday 5:36pm

     I don't even know where to start, what a great way to kick off the summer! It's only been 2 and a half days and Guatemala has really changed me. When we finally got to Chicago, we stayed in a hotel (it had a pretty sweet pool) and stayed overnight. BUT we woke up at 4 IN THE MORNING!!!!! But it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. :) Getting through the ariport went pretty smoothly as well. God blessed us by having our extra baggage go through for free! It was awesome. And then there was the flight... I HATE PLANES!!! and I was sitting next to Anthony, and he didn't really like planes either... so that was interesting. but overall the flight was fine...just really bumpy.
     We are staying in this AMAZING house with a beautiful view. The girls are staying on the 4th floor. We have a balcony that overlooks the neighborhood, which isn't the richest place. Some of the roofs of the shacks they call houses are held down by rocks... It was really hard seeing the poverty in the neighborhood, and my view of the things I have have really changed down here because most of the people here have nothing...
     Leading worship for a group of Guatemalan kids is definitely not what I'm used to, but I am so grateful for the opportunity. It's been so sweet seeing those kids worship. They have such a passion for Christ and it really shows during the music. They are just amazing!!! They jump around and have so much energy for God and it fills my heart with joy when I see them. And the kids just love the VBS that we planned for them. And we love running it. Even though there is a language barrior between us and the kids, we've bonded with them so well! 
     We are also doing service projects for some of the schools. The group I am in is painting walls BRIGHT yellow. I don't really...like painting that much. And yesterday I had a super bad attitude about it. It seemed like we were getting nowhere and the rain didn't help much either. But today was different. I absolutely loved it. We got SO far! And I had a really fun time doing it! It's amazing how quickly your attitude can change when you just stop and ask God to change your heart.
     We still have 3 days ahead of us, and we are so PUMPED! We LOVE being down here being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and sharing his story to the people of Guatemala. I can't wait to get home and see my family...but it is going to be really hard leaving this place. This trip has already changed me so much, and I can't wait to see how it changes me these next few days. Please keep our team in your prayers as we finish up this amazing trip!
                               ~Katelyn Fredricks
Wednesday 3:21pm

Please continue to pray for our teams health and energy! Lots of work is getting done, but it is tough, hard labor. Also continue to keep AD in your prayers as he battles the stomach flu.

Pastor Josh C.
Wednesday 23rd  10:43 am
So we been doing VBS for three days and today we all went to a different school. The school we were at today we were doing VBS in the street and two little girls came up to me and were talking to me and I had no clue what they were trying to say to me.  Tanner and I were doing crafts and we were trying to tell the kids how to do it but we did not know what to say so we showed them and then most of the kids came up to me and asked me what to do.  Then they all started to play with their fishes and it was really fun seeing them play and laugh with each other.  When we are doing the music for the kids its awesome how the are sing alone with us and they are doing the motions.  When we are singing its amazing that you can feel God with you.  I think it is amazing how most of us can not speak to the kids yet we can still the love of God to the kids here.  I think it is amazing how you can feel God being here with us. 
Lizzy V.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday, 8:40 pm
So far Guatemala has been awesome. The view from the balcony upstairs is beautiful, you can see the mountains, trees, a volcano, multiple  airplanes throughout the day, and at night so many lights up on the hills, it is just amazing! For our afternoon work i have been on a painting crew for the past 2 days and it has been very fun. We have painted several walls- two different shades of yellow. Yesterday once we were done painting we were allowed to play with the kids for about an hour. We played duck-duck grey duck and some other games. A little girl who was playing chalk with me kept drawing what i was drawing and then she drew a person with glasses and we assumed it was me, since i was wearing glasses too, that was also super cute! They taught us a song about a frog and then they wanted us to present it to them,we messed up several times, but it was so fun! Even though it is hard to communicate with the kids, you can tell that they are having so much fun. VBS has been so cool so far, the kids all are so excited that we are there, i've gotten several hugs from kids I hadn't even talked to yet. It is so cool trying to communicate with the kids and I think its really fun that i can use some of my spanish that i learned in my spanish classes. People here are so nice and polite! Today as i was helping lead crafts in one of the classrooms the kids got up and started writing english words on the white board to show me how much they knew, it was so cute! Also when asking for crayons the kids would say the colors in english. So far here in Guatemala i have realized that we truly have so much to be thankful for back at home, and i am excited to see what else God has planned for us this week!      -Cori K.
Tuesday 8:40pm

Please pray for: health of group...nothing serious but lots of not feeling good. Strength to complete the afternoon projects. The afternoon work groups, and energy for vbs. Also, that we connect right away with the new vbs students.

Pastor Josh C.
Tuesday June 22, 2010. 5:25 P.M.
One of the primary rules we have been required to follow is"blessed are flexible because they are not bent out of shape." Following this has been vital to our work over the past two days. In the afternoons, we have been doing multiple projects. These include painting schools and digging out a large area of dirt and foliage at the airstrip to make room for a food distribution center. The latter has gone through a number of tactical changes. Beginning yesterday (Monday), we had the intention of dumping the dirt and shrubbery that we removed into a nearby landfill. After the dumping of one load (out of an extimated forty), we were told that we could no longer leave our waste their, as the man running the dump was concerned about the potential of being ticketed for allowing us to put dirt there. After some searching, we finally found a place where we could dump the dirt, with help, but at four times the original price. Again, this was changed, and we decided to do the work completely ourselves, saving money.  Without being open to these changes, a seemingly impossible task would not have been possible. Through hard work and cooperation, we have been able to make much progress in clearing the area of not only dirt, but large trees and other obstacles. Today, our work was hindered by rain in the late afternoon. We worked on for a time, but were forced to cease. 

Our other project has been to run a Vacation Bible School (V.B.S.) for the children here in Guatemala City.  This, like much else here, has been a process. We hit a few snags yesterday, being less prepared for what was to come than we may have wished, and not having any experience with running V.B.S. in a foreign language. Things moves much less smoothly than we had hoped, with transitions between activities taking far too long. The event was still positive overall. Today, learning from the mistakes of the day prior, we were able to create a much more engaging and enjoyable experience for both the students and ourselves. As our V.B.S. segments only run for two days, we all said good-bye to the children we had worked with. Although they did not share a language, communication did not have to be verbal. For those with some Spanish knowledge, communication was easier, but it was possible for all. We connected very deeply with the children here and were sad to say "adios." Overall, the V.B.S. has gone extremely well.

We have also had many moments of humor. These have included people running into sliding glass doors, and leaders getting their pants filled with fire ants. There are many aspects of life here which differ greatly from that in the States. The transportation system is far more hectic. Drivers do not believe in following safe driving procedures, and no regulations are enforced. It is surprising that so few accidents occur. The scenery and people here are amazing. We have seen God working in many ways, and are looking forward to see our amazing Lord continue to work through us.

Marshall S.


Tuesday 11:07am

Today, after we woke up and ate, we left to a local school for vacation Bible school.  They played a couple games and we told them a story about the lost sheep.  We also played some songs  It was great to see all of the kids jumping around and singing while we were playing the songs.  So far, this trip has been epicly amazing/amazingly epic!  Yesterday after VBS, half of us went to the hangar for Jason's airplane and worked on moving dirt and uprooting trees.  It was hard work but it was also fun; I am quite stoked to see it finished. 

Gracias, adios!
Tuesday 10:20am
   Oh, man I don't even know were to begin. So I guess even though  people have already blogged from the begining, I'm going to give a quick over view from my point of veiw.
   So I was the only one in the whole group who had never been on a plane before. =\ I was super excited about going to the airport and was very suprised at how well everything went for a big group like ours! I loved the plane ride and I'm praying that everything goes just as well for us on the way home =)
  Now we are here in Guatemala! It's so hard to believe that we are actually here! The place we are staying in is way nicer than I was expecting. I was kind of expecting a one level home with cement floors, but this in like a four story building with nice tile floors, running water, and a beautiful view! However the places around us are not much, but at the same time it all looks beautiful!
   Yesterday and today we started VBS for the  kids at the schools! We have worked so hard to plan it all out. The first day (yesterday) went way bettter than I thought it would! The language barrior was hardly an issue. With just the little bit that we knew, we were able to make enough conversation (althought it would have been better if we knew more spanish). At the end of day one we told the kids to come up to us and we would give them candy before we left. I expected them to be all about the candy, but instead the all rushed up to us and gave us hugs and kisses and got the candy after =) It was so sweet and almost brought me to tears knowing how much the loved that we were there. Today was our last day with that group of kids. Tomorrow we will be on to a whole new school with different kids, which I am super excited about. But I'm sad that we won't be with the other kids again. I'm going to miss them like crazy!
  Oh, there is So much more I could say, but I can't possibly blog it all! Its been two Amazing days in Guatemala and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us the rest of the week! Lets Get It!!!
  Oh, yes I have one more thing. One of  my highlights of yesterday was watching Katelyn wank in a glass door! And we are all have gotten lots of red sun. I think Chrie is the only one excited about that though, because that never happens to her! OK, I'm done! Bye!
                                      -Holly E

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday 21/6/01

We just got back fromVBS, the kids were soo cute and it was really fun!! We got to the school and it was definetly not whati had expected. the school was made up of small rooms with lotsof desks. There was a very small courtyard, but not all of the kids would have been able to fit into it. Because there was not alot of space we went intothe street to do our program. I thought it was amazing how well the singing and the motions went because we have only known them for a day. I was compleatly humbled by the size of the school and the happieness of the kids. They were soo happy, and it seemed like they really wanted to be there. It made me realise how much i take school for granted!
when we went inside the school to do crafts and there was a boy who came up to me and counted to 100 in english and was really excited that he could!! the language barrier was probably the hardest part, but I am starting to understand more spanish.
I cant wait to see what else God has in store for us this week!!
-Marissa M.
Monday morning
Today was so fun! We woke up at 6 for breakfast and then started our day with devotions, worship, and prayer! At 7:30, group 1 left for the first day of VBS at Fullness School. All the kids looked nervous of all the tall strange people, and all of us were a little intimidated by all the kids staring and whispering in spanish! Our day started a little bumpy with the language barrier but it ended great! We had such an awesome time trying to get to know all the kids and singing and laughing with them! We will be singing spanish songs in our sleep! It was so hard to leave when all of them lined up and gave each one of us a big hug and a kiss on the cheek! Tomorrow is going to be great because we have already established a relationship with them and they know us, I can't wait to see what God has in store! Later this afternoon we will be painting a school or digging in mud to add on to the mission airplane hanger. I am very exhausted from all the traveling and preparing and working we have done. But I am so excited about everything and loving what we are doing that I don't even notice that I am tired till we sit and have a break!
Emma G

Sunday, June 20, 2010

    Today was SUPER crazy!!!!!! We all woke up around 3:30 or 4 in the morning to catch our first flight to Mexico City. The flights went very smoothly and we were in Guatemala around 4 P.M.!!!! And it. Is. INCREDIBLE down here. There are mountains and a volcano that we can see from where we are staying, and it was absolutely beautiful from the plane! Jason and Tressa (the missionaries who are putting up with us being down here!) are very hospitable and they've been wonderful to us!! We've had a lot of fun getting down here and all getting to know each other better.
    One thing that has really struck me today- is the poverty here. I'd seen pictures JUST like this, but for some reason it never actually CLICKED until I looked out off of the balcony here at the mission compound and saw it with my OWN EYES. Apparently, about ten people live in each "house" around here. (houses being sheds made of tin and whatever else is there to use... all of them look thrown together sort of... you can even see HOLES AND CRACKS where the sheets of metal don't line up!) A house near the compound has a TARP for a roof with rocks holding it down. JUST PLAIN OLD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! the places look dirty, and they are TINY. I don't know how one person could live in one of those shacks (especially in the rainy season in Guatemala) and I can NOT imagine how 8, 9, or even 10 people can share such a small and dirty place.. and call it home. Rows of shacks like these line the streets.. and they're so close together they are all practically on TOP of each other! Stray dogs roam the streets... they are EVERYWHERE. I have never seen anything like this place. The streets are crowded with cars driving down the narrow streets and kids playing in the street. If seeing what I've seen today doesn't break a person's heart, then I don't know what will. Please pray for these Guatemalans and their horrible living conditions. I wish we could spend time helping people build actual HOUSES down here, but we are spending our time helping more with VBS and fixing up some schools down here (which will still be AMAZING!!!), so we'll have to build houses on another trip or something! Please pray that we'll make a difference in the lives of these people! Thanks!!!! (and GOODNIGHT!!!!)
                                                                                                                      -Erica E

We're in!

Sunday 8:34

(Guatemala time) That was the big debate in arriving in Guatemala City today....is there or is there not a time change?  As it turns out, not everyone in North American recognizes daylight savings time, so yes, there is indeed a time change...it made for a disappointing extra hour on the plane (c;

After that, today has been completely amazing in all ways...travel was smooth, customs was a breeze, and the hospitality is outstanding.  Jason and Tressa are incredible people and even better ambassadors for Christ and it's going to be a real joy to engage in some kingdom work with them this week.

Highlights for today would include:  breakfast quesodillas courtesy of Mexicana Air, adventurous driving on Guatemalan roads, a stunning 4th level view of the local volcanoes, and overall tremendous fellowship within the group.  There's been plenty of laughter, high spirits, and hope for tomorrow.

After a little music practice tonight, it looks like we're ready to go for VBS in the morning... more to come after that!

Grace and peace,

-Anthony D
Sunday night 8:21pm
We arrived in Guatemala City! We woke up at 4am this morning and were at the airport by 4:45am where we waited in line to check in for like an hour! However that first long line was the only problem we had traveling! JK :) actually Dean got a little lost in Mexico but other than that we made our connection and cleared security and customs easily!
     Guatemala is amazing, the mountains and volcanoes a beautiful! There is no such thing as seat belts here or speed limits!
The people are also amazing! As soon as we arrived at the missions compound we left again to go to church were they helped us learn the motions and words in spanish to a few worship songs! That was a really cool experience to woriship in spanish!
Overall, it was the most amazing day ever!
love, Amy V.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Epic Voyage

Saturday 9:26pm

    After a much needed night of sleep in various locations throughout the church, we awoke to a delightful breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit. Ensuing our breakfast, we loaded the trailer with our luggage and embarked on our expedition to Chicago.
    The first great obstacle we overcame was the narrowing of 94 to a mere one lane. It took us nearly an hour to pass through Woodbury, but morale remained high throughout. We continued through Wisconsin, the land of cows, horizontal stoplights, and Menards. Finally at about 5:00, we crossed the border into Illinois. At about 7:00 this evening, we arrived at the Quality Inn. Through a series of mistakes made by the  hotel, Josh, Anthony, and I happened to walk in on an occupied room. Fortunately, Gary, the occupant of the room, was not in the there at the time and the mistake was quickly fixed. After a long day of sitting in the car, we needed a break, so our room decided to watch Jurassic Park III, which Anthony classifies as "One of the top ten worst movies of all time". I hope you enjoyed this short summation describing the intensity of traveling. Tomorrow we will be sleeping in until at least 4:00 AM, when will enthusiastically wake up and saunter over to the airport. To be continued.....by a different writer

-Drake F

Filled and ready to go!

Saturday 9:41am

Thank you to the Gracekids team for the amazing breakfast! It was a huge blessing and a great way to start our day of travel. We just spent time in worship and prayer together before we hit the road to start this journey of a lifetime. We are all excited as we are leaving for Chicago in 16 minutes.

Abby V.

Friday, June 18, 2010

friday night 9:42pm

Today we started on our vbs preparation by cutting out paper fish for crafts, filled baggies with 40 beads each about (50-60 bags) went through our drama and practiced our songs in Spanish. We were not able to practice Spanish today because the person that was coming in came down with a cold. We are now weighing are suit cases and packing them with the supplies that we are bringing down to Guatemala. We are all having a great time and can not wait till Sunday.

Thank you!
Josh M.

Friday Night 9:10 pm

Today was our first day training for our trip.  The first breakout session we did was on our expectations we have for the next 10 days.  A verse that we read that really affected me and a lot others was 2 Corinthians 4:18 ; "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  I really think this was an eye-opening verse reminding us that we shouldn't let fear or what we can see with our own eyes be the deciding factor of what we do on this missions trip.  Having faith by letting go of everything and letting God lead us in the direction He wants us to go is what we are called to do.  He can see farther then our own eyes can see, and we need to trust him and let Him be our guide. We sometimes have so many expectations and apprehensions that we forget that it's all in God's hands.  No matter what we are called to do or who we are called to minister to on this trip God has his hands on this trip and we need to follow His will.

I am so excited for what God is going to do on this trip, and how He is going to use it to change and mold us into the followers of His that He created us to be.  Please keep us in your prayers as we take this amazing journey!

Thank you!

Rebekah E. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday Night - 6/17/2010
Greetings! We are excited that you have chosen to watch the progress and read the miracles of what God has done and is doing in the lives of all of us as we serve the people of Guatemala on this missions trip. The purpose of these posts over the next 9 days is to let you in on the day-to-day operations and stories, and to also be able to share prayer and praise reports.

To start with, I thought that I would lay a little bit of the foundation and story of how we ended up in Guatemala. The philosophy in 10-12th grade at Grace Fellowship is that once every three years we take a trip outside of the United States. Our trip this summer happens to fall on that cycle. This past fall, after much prayer and talking to many of students and volunteers in senior high, we came to the decision that we were going to head down to Reynosa, Mexico (just south of McAllen, Texas). This trip was going to focus on leading some vbs programs and the building of homes. We had agreed to partner with World Servants, an organization that had come recommended to us by numerous individuals (and through the wife of our young adults pastor had provided me a chance to play golf with them during their fundraising tournament...always a perk that I am in favor of! BOOM!).

Near the end of February, upon our return from our Winter Retreat, we became aware of the unrest that Northern Mexico, especially near the border of Texas, was experiencing. We continued to monitor the situation, talk to any and everyone that we could who could shed light on the situation there, and spend lots and lots of time in prayer. Finally after talking to World Servants, the consulate in Mexico City, and others we came to the choice that going on this trip was not in the best interest of the safety of all participants who are headed on this trip.

On April 18, 2010 we gathered the entire team and students parents to announce our choice to no longer go to Mexico. At that time, the only things that we knew was that the dates of the missions trip would stay the same (June 18-27), and that  God knew exactly where we needed to go. Talk about a step of faith that challenged all of us and left with nothing but being able to rely upon Him. I love the way that He molds and challenges our faith!

For anyone who has ever been a part of a missions trip before, you know the countless hours that go into the prep of the trips. Normal for us is to start the planing back in early November. To start the process from square one on April 18, a little less then two months before we leave, seemed insurmountable. But we have an awesome God, who knows our needs, hears our prayers, and has a plan for all of us. He took over, and the miracles began to happen!

Within one weeks time, we were put back into contact with local missionary's to Guatemala by the names of Jason and Tressa Patton (check out http://www.life-builders-international.org/ for more info). It seemed like an impossible task to be able to get there, but the more that we prayed, the more peace that we felt that Guatemala was the place that we needed to go. The choice was made, and Guatemala City became the new destination. Plane tickets seemed impossible to get...one travel agent who believed in prayer later, we were all booked on the same flight down, something that I had been told was going to be an impossibility, and only two groups for the return trip. And, as just another amazing testament to the God that we serve, the prices per person came in at only $35 more then what it would have been to fly to Texas. Lets Get it!

During our time in Guatemala, we are going to leading vbs programs for over 500 students, helping with construction projects, and the oppertunity to serve and meet the needs of orphans and widows through food distribution. We have met twice as a team already in preperation, and now tomorrow and Saturday, will complete our training before we head out sunday to Guatemala City.

The last month has been a whirl-wind of prep, planing, prayer, and pure pexcitement (ok ok...had no awesome word that started with p!). I can not wait to see what God has in store for us...a group of 20 students and 7 adult leaders! As we start this adventure, we KNOW that our God is faithful! Lets get it!

Pastor Josh Christenson