Sunday, July 21, 2013

First and foremost I must say that it has never been more evident to me that I should have taken a spanish class. I knew today was going to be challenging, that's just how these things go, but I didn't quite understand how challenging it would be. I can tell you that several times I used french just out of pure frustration because my brain was telling me that english wasn't working and so I should try another. Initially it was quite intimidating to be singing in spanish to a group of children who
A.) thought they were too cool (much like American children) because by 13 you're an adult (ha.)
B.) Knew that we didn't know a word of english
and C.) Thought we had really funny accents.
As time drew on however, it became exceedingly clear that we didn't need to understand the words that they were saying and vise versa. The smiles were our nouns, the laughter our verbs and sincerity our grammar. It was apparent that Christ was so much bigger than the restrictions language tried to barricade us with. By the end of the VBS group we had made some friends, we got hugs, kisses and pictures. I've never felt so blessed. Children and adults alike were saying "Gracias" as we left but not as much as we were. We were just so grateful for their patience and willingness to bare with us. I think we learned a lot from this first day. That even without feeling completely prepared it was ultimately in Christ's hands. We have a lot to work on but we are one step closer to our goal which is effectively communicating Christ's love for these people.
After the VBS group we traveled to a little school where we began painting their walls brilliant vibrant colors. That's something I have really enjoyed here in Guatemala. The colors are so beautiful. Even though everywhere you look there is obvious evidence of poverty, there is a beauty in it unlike anything you can imagine. Its amazing to me to think how Christ can bring beauty from something we as Americans would find unsettling to say the least. As we painted we grew together in fellowship singng songs and making jokes. I really got to know our wonderful translators because of that experience. They are so young! The eldest is a 16 year old girl who has only taken spanish for 3 years and she is translating for us communicating and helping us help others. Its incredible the way that Christ sets up the things we need. I think it was Micah yesterday who said that "we may not have all we want but Christ has given us all we need." How true and isn't that just so in our every day lives? Something I want to challenge everyone, including myself, with is to be grateful. Just take a moment out of your day and thank God that you are alive and that you are privileged to have all that you need. I love it. I love this experience and I love all of these people. I couldn't ask for anything else.

All I want is Chris because he is all I need.

~Falicia C

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog Flee! I love the difference between God's definition of beauty vs the worlds and I love that you can see it too! We are praying for you everyday and Belle is still protecting you from any erupting volcanoes! LOL Miss you and Love you! ~Mom xoxox
