Saturday, July 27, 2013

immeasurably more

Two weeks ago we were began planning for the VBS programs that we would be running while in Guatemala. The 48 of us where split into 4 groups of 12 and we were all given specific age groups and places where we would be working. We estimated that in total all the groups would reach roughly 500 Guatemalan people. On the second night here group D (the group I am in) had the opportunity to participate in the main service of a church. There were roughly 200 people in this service… We knew that we were going to reach way more than 500 people in the next week! During the next 6 days Group D alone reached more the 675 people!  In total all of the groups reached roughly 2500 people! God worked through us and showed us that, when we trust in him, he can do far more then we can ever imagine. 
God not only used us to reach the Guatemalan people, but used them to change us! The dedication to god that the Guatemalan people have is unbelievable. This blog just shows a few of the stories that we have about how god has changed us, but there are many more!  God has shown himself in a way that we will never forget, through him we truly can do Immeasurably more!

Thank you for all the prayer and support
                Evan T


  1. Unbelievable what God has done through your team this week. So glad to hear how He has used you all to reach the Guatemalan people but also how he has changed each of you! Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow and hear more stories. Praying for safe travels today and through the night.

    Happy Birthday Josh! Have a blessed and awesome day!

  2. Awesome, immeasurably more cooler than cool! Can't wait to hear more experiences that ya'll have had!
    <3 Mama Nancy (Micah's mama)
