Saturday, July 20, 2013

     Apparently, overnight noise ordinances are not enforced in any sort of strict manner here in Guatemala.  As we got in late last night, the first order of business was getting some much needed sleep after 30+ hours of travel, with little to no sleep.  As we bedded down for the night, we were immediately and often reminded of the extreme cultural differences we were in for.  I can honestly say I've never heard a rooster crow continuously after 1 AM before last night!  In addition to that, there were countless yells and honks, including one truck that had what appeared to be the screechiest brakes of all time, extremely loose tire chains, and a driver who desperately needed to get someone's attention, honking his horn every few minutes!

     Oddly enough, I found all of these minor annoyances strangely comforting.  Through the noise and immediate sleeplessness, I felt as though God was reminding me "Hey! You made it!".  Perhaps it was the fact that I was already quite sleep deprived, but regardless of the noise, it didn't take too long to fall asleep.

     As we continue on with our journey, my prayer for myself and the rest of the group is that we find God's grace and provision, even in the annoyances and inconveniences.


Josh Tarp

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