Thursday, July 18, 2013

T-Minus 5 Hours and Counting!

And we are off! After MONTHS of planing...far far far too many meetings, and getting ready and prepped TODAY IS THE DAY! We are just under 5 hours from our group gathering and getting ready to leave for Guatemala from Chicago early tomorrow morning! AND WE COULD NOT BE MORE PUMPED!

Several things about this blog. Each day that we are on this trip, we will be having leaders and students update the blog. In it they will share prayer requests, updates on the trip, things that they are experiencing, and the way that God is working in their lives! We will do our best to update this blog as many times as possible. Know that while we hope to get at least something posted from everyone on this trip, there is a good chance that for at some people it will not happen! Please feel free to repost, share, or give out this blog website! As it is appropriate, we will be updating the team on comments that are left to posts, so feel free to comment and pray!

Statistics about this trip! (reasons to praise God and get JACKED!)
- it is the single largest missions trip team that Grace Fellowship has ever had!
- we have 38 students and 13 leaders who are scheduled to be a part of this team!
- while on this trip we will be leading multiple church services, putting a tin roof on a church, helping to sheet-rock a school, leading vbs for over 500 students, working with a feeding center providing support and labor that feeds and gives firewood to orphans and widows, along with many MANY more projects!
- We will be spending 10 days in Guatemala...mainly in Guatemala City!

We are looking forward to posting more updates through the day!


Pastor Josh C (sr high youth pastor)

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying for all of you and your safe travels to Guatemala! Can't wait to hear what you guys are up to and see the blessings you will bring to those people! Safe travels everyone!!
